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Talk Back: Even Buzz sale can’t stop ‘Talk Back’

Aug 14, 2023Aug 14, 2023

Have you noticed how different something looks when the angle it's viewed from changes? It's a principle photographers frequently utilize. Want to make someone short in stature appear taller than a skyscraper? Position your camera, phone or whatever you’re using at ground level, point the lens upward, take a picture and you’re a mortal lock for "Best of Show" at the county fair.

Or a Pulitzer Prize.

That's why we’ve spent some time recently gazing up at the underside of a bus. Who knew there was so much cool stuff to see? Air tanks — in case you get the urge to go scuba diving while on a cross-country tour. A mile-long exhaust system that snakes this way and that. Even U-bolts. And with just 17 inches clearance between the undercarriage and the ground, it's all up close and personal. Only one thing wrong with these buses. They always seem to show up at the wrong time. Like when you’re crossing the road.

Or putting the finishing touches on the next day's Talk Back prep.

That's what happened about two weeks ago when the phone rang and we got the joyous news. Buzz 102.5 had been sold, the format was changing — no more classic rock, we weren't part of the new owners’ plans, and we had two more Saturdays of on-air broadcasts for "Talk Back." So we did what every normal red-blooded American does when processing a quadruple whammy like that. Dropped everything we were eating. And began making lemonade.

Because chicken sandwiches tend to make us really, really thirsty.

Good thing we had an ample supply of lemons in the fridge, for the next bus came barreling through only a few days later. Lucky us. Otherwise we might never have known that the number "two" means something far different than it did in our Sesame Street days. So listen up, kids. If your teachers say you have two Saturdays to complete your assignment, they mean something else instead.

Like it's due on Wednesday.

That's the same day when the switcheroonie occurred and oh did we get the calls! One fellow in particular had plenty to say about the change and some very colorful ways of expressing it. "Pink!" he sputtered. "Red and purple!" Then came the clincher. "Yellow and green polka dots!" Thank goodness he’d chosen his words so carefully.

Blue ones can't be published in a family newspaper.

And then the rumors started. That we were hanging up the headphones for good, kicking back on a private island in the Pacific and living the high life. Such people don't know us very well. Like one of the greatest coaches who ever lived always used to say, when the going gets tough, the tough sustain a groin injury. So let's get one thing straight.

Retirement ain't in the cards.

Sure, we’d love to be back on the airwaves again. But until that happens, we’ve still got a show to do. As our loyal listeners and callers found out last Saturday, the Buzz may have quit rocking, but "Talk Back's" gonna keep on rolling. And roll with the changes. So however you prefer to travel — whether it's by wagon train or hoisting the John B sail — grab your computer, phone or tablet and hang out with the Talk Back family every Saturday morning.


For some, it's a different way to listen, but that's about the only change. Same time — 9 to noon. Same phone number — 517-759-3500. Same Boss Dog. Same goofy hosts. Plus one new twist we think you’ll really like.

A big ol’ pitcher of lemonade.

Talk Back with Doug Spade and Mike Clement is heard every Saturday morning from 9 a.m. to noon Eastern Time at